Products I-BOLLARD

We currently have the following product categories:

Standard Bollards

We have a wide range of I-BOLLARD designs that we have grouped into 4 large families: Stetic, Functional, Delimiters/Markers and Classic.

LumArt System

Parks, bike paths, gardens ... light up!

The LumArt LED light base evenly illuminates the entire surface of the bollard, without degradation. It is the ideal I-BOLLARD for places of low visibility. It improves mobility at night and lights up streets for pedestrians, who perceive them as safer and more modern. They help with the proper signage of parks, bike lanes, gardens and vehicles and pedestrians can see them at a distance.

These are also made with X-LAST®, and so have all the same advantages.

Available in all designs except those of diameter 80.


RET is the retractable Sabacaucho Urban I-BOLLARD. It is activated by an easy to use key system; temporarily preventing the entry of vehicles into restricted areas.

Like all I-BOLLARDs, it has all the advantages and benefits of being made with X-LAST®.

If it receives an impact, it returns to its original shape and still works perfectly. A real saving in maintenance!  It also prevents a traffic jam from blocking up the street.


Protective cover

The protective cover system makes I-BOLLARD removable. Thus, it can be installed and removed according to the needs of the moment.

But does it leave a hole in the ground? The answer is no. The mechanism is automatically covered over; preventing dirt from getting into it or someone from tripping over it.

It is compatible with 80, 100 and 150 diameter I-BOLLARD designs.



There are different accessories and additional products for the I-BOLLARD: plates, keys, led and LumArt tops.